A waitress wears a mask as she serves customers dinning out in London, Monday, Sept. 21, 2020. Britain's top medical advisers have painted a grim picture of exponential growth in illness and death if nothing is done to control the second wave of coronavirus infections, laying the groundwork for the government to announce new restrictions later this week. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)


2020年9月21日,星期一,英国伦敦,一名女服务员戴着面具为顾客服务。如果不采取措施控制第二波冠状病毒感染,英国高级医疗顾问描绘了一幅疾病和死亡呈指数增长的可怕画面。这为政府本周晚些时候宣布新的限制措施奠定了基础。(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)


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