THORNTON, CO - JUNE 06: Ingrid Encalada, an undocumented immigrant from Peru and mother of two, holds her son Anibal Jurado, 17 months, at their home on June 6, 2017 in Thornton, Colorado. Ingrid was given a temporary stay from deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in May after she took sanctuary in a Denver church for five months to avoid deportation. ICE agents, emboldened by the leadership of President Donald Trump, have almost doubled arrests from the previous year of undocumented immigrants. The soaring number of detentions highlights a Trump campaign pledge to target the some 11 million people living as undocumented immigrants in the United States. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
魁北克省政府正在考虑修改少儿保护法,以便更有效地向该省未成年人提供保护和服务。省卫生与社会服务副部长卡尔芒(lionel Carmant)在接受Radio-Canada采访时表示,该法已经四十年没有修订过,有些内容已经跟不上社会发展。
(RCI avec Radio-Canada)
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