COVID-19 has put a harsh spotlight on the anti-Asian racism that has always existed in Canada

We can stop the trajectory of anti-Asian racism in Vancouver

Dozens of Richmond, B.C., residents gathered in 2016 at a SkyTrain station to rally against anti-immigration, racist flyers that were circulating in the community. (Tina Lovgreen/CBC)

Most of us are disgusted by overt acts of racism: death threats spray-painted on cultural sites; unprovoked physical and verbal attacks.

Read the full article here.

  1. A Proud Canadian Soldier

    Canada is a safe and welcoming country? Not so much anymore, at least not the Canada I knew when I first set foot on this beautiful land as one of the thousand refugees from South-East Asia. I joined the Canadian Armed Forces to serve and pay back what Canada gave us, the freedom, safe environment and prosperity and I can hold my head high after having proudly served my adopted country for over thirty years and I am still proudly serving. For those who act barbarically, who verbally and physically attack us who have worked hard to contribute and to continue building this great nation of ours, shame on you!!!

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