Sweden and US to fight climate change together

Environmental minister Lena Ek speaking at the state department in Washington. Photo: Ginna Lindberg/ScanpixSweden and the United States, together with four other countries, want to fight climate change together. The new coalition aims to decrease emissions of so-called short-lived air pollutants like soot, ozone, and methane. Soot can be caused by cooking over an open fire and methane is a by-product of coal mining.

Sweden’s Minister of the Environment Lena Ek joined the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday in Washington D.C. to announce the launch of the cooperation.

The coalition will coordinate research and propose new legislation. “This is going to create better health, cleaner air, more effective planting, more energy, and not the least, lower global warming,” Clinton said.

These pollutants are bad for the environment, but do not remain in the atmosphere for as long as carbon dioxide.

The coalition includes Canada, Mexico, Bangladesh and Ghana.

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