The fastest warming of the Russian Arctic was detected in spring
By Elizaveta Vereykina Temperatures have been rising steadily for decades. The Russian Arctic particularly experiences rapid warming in spring, when
Read moreBy Elizaveta Vereykina Temperatures have been rising steadily for decades. The Russian Arctic particularly experiences rapid warming in spring, when
Read moreThe port town of Dudinka reports about minus 39 °C and winds up to 25 meter per second, and a
Read moreAfter Russia’s warmest-ever summer, the Northern Sea Route is almost ice-free. But only few shipmasters set course for the Arctic
Read morePreviously solid ground is quickly degrading. The melting of the permafrost is about to cause huge damage to buildings and
Read moreClimate change is about to dramatically change the Russian North. The country is now starting the building of a new
Read moreParts of Northern Siberia were up to 7℃ warmer than normal in 2020. Massive melting of sea-ice on the Northern
Read moreAverage temperatures in January were up to 12 degrees Celsius above normal in parts of the country. It is supposed
Read moreAfter the hottest Arctic summer on record follows the warmest ever fall. The Russian archipelagos of Franz Josef Land and
Read moreIn a rush, the Russian researchers picked up their gear when the giant ice floe broke into pieces. The researchers
Read moreParts of the region had an average temperature almost 4 degrees Celsius above normal. The Russian Arctic is becoming increasingly
Read moreThe money is allocated from the government’s reserve fund and is to strengthen Arctic weather forecasting. The Russian government this
Read moreA global heatwave is gaining force and the Russian government appears to acknowledge that its Arctic will be among the
Read moreThe people of Pevek, the small town on Russia’s east Arctic coast, could scent a smell of spring as they
Read moreA quickly growing number of ships are confronting the thick ice and tough climatic conditions on Russia’s Northern Sea Route,
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