Between myths and realities what is immigrants’ reality?

Demographic profile: answering some key questions


How old are they?

Did you know?
Recent immigrants are relatively young In 2011, the median age of recent immigrants was 31.7 years. The median age is the age that divides a population into two numerically equal groups; that is, half the people are younger than this age and half are older. In comparison, the median age of the total immigrant population was 47.4 years and that of the Canadian-born population was 37.3 years.

Canada – Permanent residents by age and source area, 2014

More men or women?

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) noted a slight increase in the number of female principal applicants in all economic programs.

By 2015, the gap between men and women in the main applicant group was 10,380, a decrease of 55 percent from 2005, compared to a decrease of 22,894.

A look beyond the data
A tendency seems to have emerged here in the sense that Canadian programs tend to recognize “human capital of immigrant women.”

Of the resettled refugees who were admitted to Canada in 2015, 52 per cent were male and 48 per cent were female.

The proportion of claims made by men and women in Canada has remained stable over the past few years.

By 2015, 56 per cent of asylum applications in Canada were made by men and 44 per cent by women.


How qualified are the immigrants to Canada?

Did you know?
More and more immigrants are arriving with high levels of education. In 2010, 47 per cent had a university degree on arrival.

How do immigrants compare to the Canadians born in Canada when it comes to education level? And does it have an impact on their employment rate?

Why do they come in Canada? For economic reasons? Refuge? Family?



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