Dr. Hervé Blanchard

Dr. Hervé Blanchard

The pioneer in pediatric liver transplants saved countless lives

M’Bemba – (Salif Keïta) Universal Music France – 02498 312227
Bosou Djo Eya – Port au Prince Mayi – Trad Haïti
Narrateur : Conrad Coates

25 Replies to “Dr. Hervé Blanchard”

  1. sylvie says:

    Formidable reportage sur un grand homme. Dr Blanchard ou comme j aimais l appeler (mon oncle Blanchard) un des docteur qui ma suivi dans mon enfance.

  2. Bonjour je suis christelle gagne je suis une de tes patiand que ta eu javais passer neuf mois hopital st justine et tu ma saver la vie jaimerais te dit verbal mille merci ci ces posible

  3. Freddy Icart says:

    Un grand ami de la famille et un grand chirurgien. . Le premier à avoir séparé des jumeaux siamois.
    J’ai eu le plaisir de le photographier dans mon studio à Montréal

  4. France Peltier says:

    Il a l’opérer André il l’appelait capitaine en 1978 un docteur adorable merci

  5. very good very nice guy says:

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  6. Marc-Alain Danis says:

    Bonjour Dr.Blanchard,
    Je voulais simplement vous dire merci encore mille fois pour m’avoir sauver la vie dès ma naissance. Vous avez changer ma vie et je resterai éternellement reconnaissant.
    A vous je dis, merci ! Votre petit (Marcus)

    Marc-Alain Danis

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  13. Dr. Hervé Blanchard’s work is truly impressive and impactful! It’s inspiring to see professionals dedicated to their field and making a difference.

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    Docteur Hervé Blanchard’s work in the medical field is truly commendable! His dedication to patient care and innovation in treatment is inspiring.

  15. Pokerogue says:

    Dr. Hervé Blanchard’s groundbreaking work in pediatric liver transplants is truly inspiring. His contributions have saved countless young lives, offering hope where there was once none. His legacy resonates deeply with the spirit of innovation and perseverance.

  16. Retro bowl says:

    Dr. Hervé Blanchard’s groundbreaking work in pediatric liver transplants is truly inspiring. His contributions have saved countless young lives, offering hope where there was once none. His legacy resonates deeply with the spirit of innovation and perseverance.

  17. Snow rider says:

    Dr. Hervé Blanchard’s groundbreaking work in pediatric liver transplants is truly inspiring. His contributions have saved countless young lives, offering hope where there was once none. His legacy resonates deeply with the spirit of innovation and perseverance.

  18. Dr. Hervé Blanchard’s contributions to medical research and the Haitian community are truly inspiring. His dedication to improving healthcare access and supporting underserved populations highlights the powerful impact of compassionate care and commitment to social justice. It’s incredible to learn about such impactful work

  19. Dr. Hervé Blanchard’s story is a testament to resilience and the importance of giving back to one’s community. His efforts in advancing medical care and advocating for health equity continue to inspire many, especially within the Haitian community. Such dedication to making a difference is truly admirable!

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