-45c in Inuvik, Canada
Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada
Weather: Sunny, brutally cold
Today, I spent the morning just outside of downtown Inuvik with a local dog musher. The idea was to interview her about caring for and running a dog team and to do a series of photographs illustrating a typical day with the dogs.
The sun came up just beore 9am. Beautiful and sunny. Just perfect for photographs.
Until I got outside and…. Yikes! -45c. It seemed managable at the time. But after taking out the camera and snapping just a few photographs, the metal of the camera was so cold it burned the skin through my gloves.
That was six hours ago.
I’d write more now but my finger tips are still red and burning…. ouch.
Write to Eilis Quinn at eilis.quinn(at)cbc.ca