No Swedish decision yet on Icelandic airspace patrols
Finnish Defence Minister Carl Haglund told Yle that Sweden will not be making a decision on Monday to take part in a project to patrol Iceland’s airspace. A decision by Finland will be forthcoming within a few weeks.
The Swedish Parliament will be discussing the air surveillance project on Monday, but Haglund, who said that he has been in constant contact with Swedish colleagues, told Yle that no decision will be made in Stockholm yet.
According to the Finnish Defence Minister, Finland’s own decision will be made within a few weeks. He stated that there is no rush to decide.
“There are as of yet unsettled details that are very important. It’s not worthwhile rushing big issues. I believe that the matter will be concluded by mid-November.”
Haglund stressed that Finland and Sweden will make their own independent decisions.
“If both make a positive decision, it will make participation, on our part, possible. Even if we make a positive decision, but Sweden doesn’t join in, we will not participate,” Haglund said to Yle.
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Finnish fighters to patrol Icelandic airspace, Yle News
Nordic countries consider Icelandic airspace patrols, Yle News
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