Hunters in Canada’s Nunavik region want bigger beluga quota
Representatives from hunters and trappers organizations in Nunavik, a predominantly Inuit region in the north of the Canadian province of Quebec, promise they’ll defend the hunters who were apprehended by federal fisheries officers.
Seven hunters are now under investigation for harvesting beyond the region’s quota of 315 belugas per year.
Pauloosie Novalinga is the chair of the Anguvigak hunters organization. The group wrapped up its annual general meeting Tuesday in Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec.
The department of Fisheries and Oceans told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation it’s still investigating the incident.
But Novalinga said the hunters have been charged under the Fisheries Act. He said the hunters have the organization’s full support.
“We will defend them to the best of our ability… We want them to know that,” Novalinga said.
Novalinga said the fisheries department did not communicate to the region that the beluga hunting season closed on November 3rd.
The Quaqtaq, Quebec, hunt took place four days later. The muktaq and meat were confiscated. It was later distributed to the people in Quaqtaq.
Novalinga said the three-year beluga management plan will expire next year. He said the hunters and trappers group will ask for an increase in the quota.
Related Link:
Hunters in Canada’s Nunavik region could be charged after beluga hunt, CBC News
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