Canadian actor-writer Jay Baruchel in Los Angeles in February
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

GOON gets Golden Award

Goon, the Canadian hockey movie co-written by one of its stars, Jay Baruchel, and directed by Michael Dowse, was awarded the Golden Box Office Prize today.  Dowse and Baruchel received C$20,000 each in prize money.  Jay Baruchel will split his, with co-writer Evan Goldberg.

In an interview with the CBC this morning Michael Dowse said “What we all wanted to do was to shine a light on this position and really show the sportsmanship and value that an enforcer brings to the game.”  “We also wanted to show the sense of humour behind the game.” Michael Dowse said the crowning achievement was having National Hockey League players quote lines from Goon, back to him.

Telefilm, the Canadian film funding agency, awards the Golden Box Office prize to the English-language film of the past year that made the most money at the box office.  Released In February 2012, GOON made over the C$3 million.  There will be a sequel.

The movie stars Seann William Scott and Jay Baruchel.  Baruchel can be seen in one of Hollywood’s current summer ‘This is The End’.

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