It's not quite the Sistine chapel, but media get a preview of the photo reproductions of Michelangelo’s masterpieces in that chapel yesterday in Montreal.

It's not quite the Sistine chapel, but media got a preview of the photo reproductions of Michelangelo’s masterpieces in that chapel yesterday in Montreal. The show opens on Friday and runs until mid-October.
Photo Credit: CP

Sistine Chapel exhibit in Montreal

The Sistine Chapel, at the Vatican in Rome, is 21 metres high and very crowded. But now visitors to a new exhibit in Montreal will be able to get up close to the masterpieces of Michealangelo.

This is the world-premier of an experience of the fabled frescoes. On Friday, July 10th, thirty-three life-sized photos of the chapel’s ceiling, hung and suspended, to simulate the experience in Rome, will be on display at the Palais des congres convention centre.

Martin Biallas, the CEO of California-based Special Entertainment Events, which brought the exhibit to Montreal, said he had the idea of recreating the ceiling during a trip to Italy two years ago.

“When I saw the lines (to get into the chapel), you know, all the aggravation just to see this, I said: ‘Let me bring this closer to the people,“’ he said Tuesday at a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Montreal.

His company bought the rights to photographs of the chapel that were taken during the artwork’s restoration, 20 years ago. Access to the Sistine Chapel is becoming limited in an effort to preserve it, according to Biallis, so all the more reason for people to take in his exhibit.

It runs until mid-October in Montreal and then will go to Toronto and Vancouver.

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