Finland Fairs Badly in Climate Change Survey
Finland continues to receive poor marks in an international climate change survey. Currently Finland stands in thirty-first position in the comparative survey released at the Cancun climate change conference on Tuesday.
Topping the poll are Brazil, Sweden and Norway. However, no states were ranked in first, second or even third place as no nation was considered to be doing enough to combat climate change.
Other nations were a poor scoring included Japan, Denmark, Ukraine, Spain, Italy and Greece. A year ago, Finland stood in thirty-sixth place. The comparison was made by NGO’s German watch and Climate Action Network.
Commenting on the survey, the Secretary General of the Finnish Nature League, Leo Stranius said Finland must reduce vehicle emission levels, increase renewable energy and remove financial aid for peat production.
The survey presented at the Cancun conference listed the 57 largest polluters who produce over 90 percent of energy related carbon dioxide emissions