Sweden’s drunken elks threaten home owner

Get ready for the season of drunken elks. As ripe fruit falls from the trees and ferments on the ground, it is time for some of Sweden’s most majestic wild animals to act in a most un-regal manner.

One home owner east of the capital has already been confronted by a mob of boozed-up elks. The five animals, feasting on rotten windfalls, “were threatening” and refused to let him into his garden.

“Sensibly enough the elks left the scene when police arrived,” writes Albin Näverberg on Stockholm police’s website.

To prevent further elk booze-binges the home owner, who lives in Värmdö, east of Stockholm, was advised to remove the apples from his yard.

“The elks will have to get drunk somewhere else,” writes Näverberg.

Related Links:

Drunken Elk Drowns, Radio Sweden

Another drunk moose destroys swing set, Radio Sweden

Radio Sweden

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