Blog: ICC General Assembly 2014 – Arctic governance
There was an interesting session Tuesday morning at the Inuit Circumpolar Council General Assembly in Canada’s Northwest Territories concerning Arctic governance.
The agenda billed the session as follows:
A proliferation of existing and newly-created bodies are implementing initiatives and making decisions that impact upon the governance of Inuit Nunaat. How should ICC respond?
In general, there seemed to be a strong consensus on the importance including non-Arctic states in discussions about the North.
Dalee Sambo Dorough, UNPFII Chair, discussed the importance of different circumpolar organizations including the Arctic Circle, saying it could play an important role in the future..
Sara Olsvig, a Greenlandic politician and Chairperson of Arctic Parliamentarians repeated this saying non-Arctic states had made important contributions to the Arctic Council.
But she stressed that decision making had to remain in the North.
“The development of the Arctic must be determined by the people of the Arctic,” Olsvig said.
The meeting runs until July 24th.
For those wanted to keep up with the ICC general assembly, it’s being livestreamed HERE
You can also keep track on Twitter with #iccga2014
Write to Eilís Quinn at eilis.quinn(at)