Siberian ‘Beast from the East’ keeps Swedish kids inside

A Siberian cold front has brought Sweden unusually cold temperatures for late February. It was -42 degrees C when Kristina Lindqvist left home for her job at the Björken kindergarten in Västerbotten Monday morning.
“This morning, it was really, really cold,” she said. “Normally the big children go out after breakfast, but not today.”
She said that with the weather now about -22C in Hemavan, where the kindergarten is based, the children would be outside again in the afternoon.
“They are used to this kind of cold and we just make sure that they have enough clothes on.”
She said that even in this unusually cold weather, the kindergarten left its youngest children outside in prams to sleep.
Lowest temperatures in Sweden, Sunday 19:00 to Monday 07:00:
Gielas -39,8 °C
Hemavan Airport -38,6 °C
Nikkaluokta -38,3 °C
Kvikkjokk-Årrenjarka -36,3 °C
Jäckvik -34,3 °C
Sveg -34,3 °C
Buresjön -33,7 °C
Särna -33,5 °C
Dravagen -33,4 °C
Rensjön -33,4 °C
Source: SMHI
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