Russian researchers: Average Arctic temperature could increase 20°С by century’s end

A group of Russian climate researchers outline a further multi-degree warming of the Arctic.
According to the Russian Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, climate gas emissions are leading to a continued rapid temperature increase in the northernmost part of the planet.
By the end of the century, average temperatures in the central parts of the Arctic could be 20 °С higher than what is considered normal for the region.
The scenario is based on a continued major emission of climate gases, senior researcher Yevgeny Volodin told to TASS.
Furthemore, even with a significant cut in emissions, temperatures in the region will continue to increase, Volodin explains.
“Even in a situation where the world community by 2050 reaches a zero-emission target for climate gases into the atmosphere, the Arctic will in any case be 2-3 degrees warmer than today because of the inertia of the climate system,” the researcher says.
Normal average temperatures in the central parts of the Arctic range between minus 10-30°С. In the area of the North Pole the normal average temperature per year is between minus 15-20°С.
The Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematic is part of the Russian Academy of Science and has modeling of climate change scenarios as one of its main research areas.
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