Sweden’s Greens: ”We need to do so much more for the climate”

Alice Bah Kunke, the top candidate for the Green Party to the European Parliament.
(Magnus Mjöhagen/Sveriges Radio)
  • Ahead of the elections to the European Parliament on June 9, Radio Sweden is interviewing the top names from the biggest parties.
  • The Green party’s Alice Bah Kunke is up for re-election. She wants to focus on climate, the environment and democracy in the next five years in the European Parliament.
  • ”We are in a climate crisis, it’s going in the totally wrong direction. We need to do so much more,” she tells Radio Sweden.
Radio Sweden
For more on the Swedish Green’s climate vision, listen to Radio Sweden’s full report.

Related stories from around the North: 

Canada: Makivvik launches climate adaptation strategy for Nunavik, Eye on the Arctic

Greenland: Alarming, above-average ice loss in Greenland due to rising temperatures, Eye on the Arctic

Norway: Polar heat record. July average above 10°C, The Independent Barents Observer

Sweden: Another year of shrinking glaciers predicted in Sweden’s Far North, CBC News

United States: Bursting ice dam in Alaska highlights risks of glacial flooding around the globe, The Associated Press

Radio Sweden

For more news from Sweden visit Radio Sweden.

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