Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1929, Peta Karel Neumann enjoyed a privileged childhood in Czechoslovakia, where his father ran a large...
Keinan Abdi Warsame was born in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1978. The poet, rapper, singer-songwriter and instrumentalist became an international star with...
This country’s 27th Governor General was born in Haiti and came to Canada, fleeing the Duvalier regime in 1968. Michaelle Jean’s father,...
Windson Kleber Laferriere was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in 1953. When his father, the mayor of Port-au-Prince and under-secretary of state...
The 26th Governor General of Canada, arrived in the country as a two-year-old with her refugee parents in 1941. The Poy family were...
He was one of the many so-called “boat-people” but at 18, he was probably one of the very few who had...
Kim Thuy has a laugh that bubbles with joy, but she has seen her fair share of sorrow. At the age...