Hindu religious tradition is to spread the ashes of cremated loved ones in the water of the Ganges, which is not practical for most Canadian Hindus

Manitoba politician says provincial laws on scattering of ashes infringes on religious rights

A member of the Manitoba legislature has asked for clarification of provincial laws regarding scattering of cremated ashes.

MLA Mohinder Saran wants Manitoba to allow cremated ashes to be spread on waterways in the province © Govt Manitoba

Mohinder Saran, said it’s a matter of religious rights among Hindus who scatter ashes of loved ones in water following cremation.

Currently it is illegal to spread such ashes in Manitoba waterways.

Mr Saran said its impractical for Canadian Hindus to fly to India to put ashes in the Ganges, or a river in the Punjab, so they would have to do it here. He adds they would like to do here it but would also not like to break the law.

While not illegal in some other provinces, there may be municipal laws in some areas preventing scattering in local waterways.

Mr Saran asked for all party support to consider changing the law to accommodate the religious concern.

The discussions lasted the allotted time of one-hour and the motion was not put to a vote.

A provincial spokesman said the government is looking at Saran’s resolution to see if it can be modified for swifter approval.

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