Mars One hopes to have a human settlement on Mars by 2023.
Photo Credit: Mars One/YouTube

Many Canadians want to go to Mars

Could it be to escape the long winters that 7,000 Canadians have applied to go to Mars and never come back? August 31 is deadline for people around the world to apply to join Mars One, a $6-billion project to establish a permanent human colony on the red planet.

Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp conceived the plan and says the first four settlers would go up in about ten years and be followed by more groups every two years.

Mars One hoped to attract up to a million people when it launched the application and selection process. So fa, more than 165,000 people from 140 countries have paid between $5 and $75 dollars to sign up.

There is going to be a TV show that will follow the selection and training of the first crew. Lansdorp says it will not necessarily be a reality show.

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