Bill St. Croix, left-(a late substitute for Marcel Simard) and Troy Hanlon are two members of the Canadian men's darts team with the competition continuing in the background at the World Cup in St John's NL
Photo Credit: CBC

Canada hosts World Cup of Darts

  It’s an activity enjoyed by tens of thousands of players around the world. Much of it for fun, but for some it’s a finely-honed and highly competitive skill.

The best dart players in the world have come to Canada this week, to the city St John’s Newfoundland, for The World Cup of Darts

Teams and individuals from England,  Brazil, the Netherlands, South Africa, Italy, Trinidad & Tobago, Australia, indeed more than 30 countries, have gathered for the event which continues into Saturday, Oct 5.

They are competing in team events, pairs, singles, men’s, women’s and youth competitions.

The tournament is held biennially since 1977 was last held in Canada more than 20 years ago, in 1989.  Canadian officials have been working for the last six years to bring the World Cup to St John’s.

It’s an special thrill for two members of the Canadian  Men’s team.  Bill St. Croix, 39,  of Riverhead  and Troy Hanlon , 26, of O’Donnell are both from the small Newfoundland area of St. Mary’s Bay.  Both say playing darts is a way of life in the town where dart boards are in almost every home.

They also say they’re ecstatic to be playing for the national team

St Croix who’s been playing competitive darts for seven years, and Hanlon, who’s been competing for eight, say the tough part is the mental aspect and conquering nerves.

Troy Hanlon said, “Right now, it’s just the greatest feeling I’ve ever had playing darts because we’re representing Canada and Newfoundland at the same time, in our own province”.

On Wednesday the Canadian team was leading 5-2 against the Netherlands  when that team came back to tie the competition at 6-6. The Canadians managed to pull ahead though, and win 9-6.

Dave Cameron of Nova Scotia and Chris Wallace complete the Canadian men’s team. But for St Croix, and Hanlon, there is to be no time off as they’ll head to Hull, England Sunday to compete in the World Masters.



Categories: International, Society

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