Link hosts: Lynn Desjardins, Marc Montgomery, Levon Sevunts

Link hosts: Lynn Desjardins, Marc Montgomery, Levon Sevunts
Photo Credit: RCI

The LINK Online Sun. Apr. 30, 2017

your hosts this week: Lynn and Marc

Trump vowed during the signing of an executive order at the White House last Thursday to strike back at Canada for its unfair trade.
U.S. President Trump vowed during the signing of an executive order at the White House last Thursday to strike back at Canada for its unfair trade. © Susan Walsh/Associated Pres

Almost as soon as U.S. President Trump said Canada was an unfair trading partner, the U.S. imposed heavy duties on imports of Canadian softwood lumber.

This is primarily used in house construction in North America.

The Americans have imposed an immediate duty of around 20 per cent, and up to 24 per cent in some cases.

In addition, they made it retroactive to 90 days before the duty order was issued.

Not only that, but another dury could be imposed as a result of an upcoming “dumping” investigation.

According to one expert it’s an American move to weaken the Canadian industry, and put great economic and political pressure on the Canadian government in upcoming negotiations to get a deal.

Marc spoke to Harry Nelson of the University of British Columbia who says its a tactic to force Canada o possibly accept a deal bad for Canada, which might be better than no deal at all.


Armenian-Canadians gather at Parliament Hill to commemorate the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Ottawa on Wednesday, April 24, 2013.
Armenian-Canadians gather at Parliament Hill to commemorate the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Ottawa on Wednesday, April 24, 2013. ©  Justin Tang- Canadian Press

Every April 24 is a solemn day for Armenians around the world.  This year marked the 102nd anniversary of what is known as the Armenian genocide.

It marks events that began in April 1915 when the Ottoman Turks starved, killed, and deported Armenians en masse.

Ever since, Armenian descendants have sought justice and recognition.  Canada recognized the genocide in 2006, but Turkey has continued to deny the events took place.

Levon spoke with Kyle Matthews, executive director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies at Concordia University.. They spoke about why it is important to commemorate this genocide a century after it happened.


Volunteers meet new people, build new skills and, for example, help conserve shorelines. © Nature Conservancy of Canada

It is National Volunteer Week in Canada.

It seems that as the baby boomers retire, they have more time to do volunteer work.

And as people become more aware of environmental issues, it seems that younger people are starting to get involved with a conservation group called the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

This non-profit through donations or purchase, acquires land in areas all across the country to preserve it in its natural state free from development. But volunteers are needed to manage the land and wildlife, so the Conservancy is organizing events to attract more volunteers. Lynn reached Conservancy spokesperson Kailey Setter to find out what kind of work the volunteers do.

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