Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegrade addresses delegates at the AFN Annual General Assembly, in Vancouver today. (CP/Darryl Dyck)

AFN convention underway to chose new leader

Assembly of First Nations (AFN) delegates are in Vancouver today preparing to vote in the new chief.

Perry Bellegarde, the incumbent, is facing some strong competition from the other four candidates.

AFN’s grand entry ceremony today included Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, left, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett, centre, and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, right. (C P/Darryl Dyck)

There is a lot of hand shaking and T-shirts being distributed as the chiefs from all 635 First Nations gather to cast their votes.

More than 2,000 First Nations leaders, elders and youth are registered to attend the assembly’s annual general assembly, but only the chiefs, or their proxies, can vote.

We’ll follow up on the develppments tomorrow.

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