Half a Million Letters Sent to Finland's Santa
Santa – and his elves – have their work cut out for them at Christmas. The scarlet-clad seasonal do-gooder receives more than half a million letters from around the world each year.
Although he reads every letter sent to him, Santa’s helpers say he is not always able to respond to all of them.
December is the busiest time of year for Santa. So far this year, the elves have counted some 350,000 letters, and wish lists continue to come in even after the Christmas holiday. So far Santa’s post office helpers have received mail from 198 countries around the world, most recently from Togo.
Over the years, records have shown that the British have been the most hopeful at Christmas, having written the largest number of letters. However Santa also receives many missives from Romania, Poland and Italy.
The task of reading and responding to all of the letters taxes the language skills of Santa’s elves, who have the responsibility of processing the post. It’s a task that keeps them occupied well into the New Year.
The elves aren’t motivated just by the wealth of goodwill to be found on Santa’s home ground – they also believe that responding to the Christmas post is an important contribution to building Finland’s brand abroad – and they receive a regular salary from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.