Old Crow, Yukon, residents asked to pack for possible evacuation

Smoky conditions in Old Crow, Yukon, on Monday. The Gwitchin government has set up a command centre at the Darius Elias community hall, right, where residents can go to get away from the heat and smoke. (Cheryl Kawaja/CBC)

The nearest fire is about 12 kilometres away, north of Old Crow at Berry Hill

The Vuntut Gwitchin Government says Old Crow, Yukon, is under an evacuation alert.

The government is asking residents to prepare by packing a three-day evacuation bag with all essentials.

“There is no immediate danger to the community and it is important that everyone remains calm and continues to work together and stay connected,” reads a notice.

The nearest fire is about 12 kilometres away, north of Old Crow at Berry Hill.

“There was a decision made in community to proceed with clearing a fire break from the road up Crow Mountain to the river,” reads the notice.

As a result, the road up Crow Mountain is closed.

Order will be sent if fire within 5km

The government said it will issue an evacuation order if a fire is within five kilometres of the community.

If that happens, RCMP will sound sirens and government staff will go to elders and knock on doors “as required.”

The Gwitchin government has set up a command centre at the Darius Elias community hall, where residents can go to get out of heat and smoke.

The notice said a burn specialist with the Yukon government was travelling to the community to assess the situation on Tuesday.

Related stories from around the North: 

Canada: Yukon’s wildfire season ‘escalated dramatically’ over last week, with 80 new starts, CBC News

Norway: Smoke from Canadian wildfires forecast to reach Norway, The Associated Press

Russia: New NOAA report finds vast Siberian wildfires linked to Arctic warming, The Associated Press

United States: Wildfires in Anchorage? Climate change sparks disaster fears, The Associated Press

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