In Ottawa today Stephen Poloz walks between Canada's Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty (left) and outgoing Bank of Canada governor, Mark Carney (right)
Photo Credit: PC / Adrian Wyld

New Governor of the Bank of Canada Stephen Poloz

Stephen Poloz, the head of Export Development Canada, was named today as the next governor of the Bank of Canada.

Stephen Poloz had worked previously at the Bank of Canada.  He joined the central bank in 1981 and worked there for 14 years, according to a statement released by the bank today.

Mark Carney has been the governor of the Bank of Canada since 2007.  He was reappointed in 2011 amid global accolades for his guidance of Canada’s economy through the global financial crisis of 2008/9.

Mark Carney leaves for London, England on June 1st. where he will assume the role of Bank of England governor, the first non-Briton to fill the post.


Categories: Economy, International

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