Babies could be healthier, if cord clamping was delayed for 3-5 minutes, a new study says.
Photo Credit: Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

Don’t clamp baby’s umbilical cord too early, McMaster expert

Delaying umbilical cord clamping for 3-5 minutes is better for babies, a new report suggests.

The Cochrane study, a meta-analysis of 15 trials with 3,911 women, says delaying cord clamping for as long as three minutes increases blood volume, and therefore red blood cell count and iron storage capacity.

“There is a lot that happens in two to three minutes after the birth,” said Eileen Hutton, associate dean of McMaster University’s midwifery program and associate professor in obstetrics and gynecology.

“When we leave the cord open for a few minutes, the blood flows from the placenta to the baby and provides about 40 per cent extra blood,” Hutton said.

Canada is leading the way in delayed cord clamping, she said.

A recent survey of practitioners she conducted at the end of last year showed 60 per cent are delaying cord clamping.

With files from CBC.


Categories: Health

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