Gilda Salomone
Gilda Salomone
Gilda Salomone is a multilingual broadcast journalist and web journalist born in Brazil. She has extensive experience as host, producer, columnist and researcher, in radio and television.

Gilda joined Radio Canada International in 2006 and hosted and produced information programmes on a wide variety of topics, in the English, French and Brazilian Sections.

She is a regular contributor to domestic French radio service Radio-Canada and can be heard on the flagship show Medium Large.

On television, Gilda has worked for CJNT-Metro 14, a multicultural TV broadcaster, Radio-Canada and TV5.

Gilda speaks English, French, Portuguese and Spanish fluently.


“Morbid Ink” latest trend in Canadian tattoo parlours

Rebroadcast Tattoos containing human ashes are the latest trend in parlours in Canada. The practice known as “Morbid Ink” is being requested by customers who want to preserve the memory of deceased family members, friends or even animals using their »

Environment & Animal Life

Just like us: Crickets will dance and brag after winning a fight

Rebrodcast The short video is fascinating. Two male crickets are fighting, biting and pushing each other. After a final blow, the loser sulks away. The winning cricket on the other hand, brags, dances and sings loudly in victory. The video »

Immigration & Refugees, Politics, Society

Changes to Canadian Citizenship Act ‘unconstitutional’, lawyer

A constitutional lawyer will challenge a provision of Bill C-24, introduced by the Conservatives, that would allow the government to strip Canadian citizenship from citizens born in Canada, if they are eligible or qualify for dual citizenship.. Currently, someone may »


Toronto’s streetcars: brand new and… uncomfortable

Toronto’s new streetcars have many exciting cool features, but plenty of leg room for passengers isn’t one of them. The “Red Rockets”, as they are sometimes called, will only start to roll out at the end of August, but on Wednesday, »

Immigration & Refugees, International, Politics

Canada’s Immigration Minister hangs up when asked about Syrian refugees

Canada’s Immigration Minister Chris Alexander hung up when a radio host asked him some tough questions about Syrian refugees on Wednesday. Carol Off, host of CBC Radio’s As It Happens wanted to know how many of the 200 government-sponsored refugees »

Arts & Entertainment, Society

U.S. transgender pianist found ‘salvation’ in Canada

As a male classical pianist, Sara Davis Buechner was praised and honored in her home country. She played with some of the most prestigious orchestras in the United States and was on the brink of a promising career. But when »


Hidden cash game becomes hidden weed hunt in Vancouver

A game which started with hidden cash in San Francisco evolved to hidden weed in Vancouver. At the end of May, anonymous benefactors hid money in envelopes and then used Twitter to distribute clues about where the prizes were hidden. »


Campaign wants fresh food back in Ontario hospitals

It’s time to bring back fresh food to hospitals in Ontario, says the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU). In May, the OCHU launched the Keep Hospitals Cooking campaign to pressure hospitals to serve freshly prepared meals, instead of reheated »

Environment & Animal Life

‘Dumpcano’ blows smelly smoke over Iqaluit

A fire at Iqaluit’s landfill is blowing so much foul-smelling smoke over the city, that it forced the closing of schools and prompted a health warning. This brave young Iqaluit resident sports a ‘dumpcano’ T-shirt. © Tony Rose aka Nunageek/Twitter Dubbed »


Boys more likely to stop smoking than girls

Adolescent boys who smoke are 80 percent more likely to stop the habit than girls, according to a new Canadian study published in a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Girls are more concerned about their weight, a »