Sammy Yatim, wearing a black t-shirt and black baseball hat gently looks directly into a camera.

Officials are still trying to find out what happened on the night of July 27th when 18-year-old Sammy Yatim was killed by police on a deserted streetcar.
Photo Credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Facebook

New probe into fatal teen Toronto shooting

A third investigation into a fatal shooting a teenager by Toronto police on a deserted streetcar in July has been launched.

Ontario’s Ombudsman, Andre Marin, said Thursday that he will review provincial government guidelines to police on de-escalating conflicts.

The shooting of 18-year-old Sammy Yatim on July 27 is already being investigated by Toronto’s Special Investigations Unit and the city’s chief of police, Bill Blair. A coroner’s inquest has not yet been called.

Police advocates are not happy with Mr. Marin’s decision. They say the Ombudsman’s investigation will undermine fact-finding efforts already underway. The president of the Toronto Police Association, Mike McCormack, which represents police officers, says Mr. Marin is “grandstanding.”

Mr. Yatin was killed while he was on a city streetcar early Saturday morning on July 27 following an altercation with police. The incident was captured on video and has triggered public outrage.

It began when Mr. Yatim drew drew a knife with a three-inch blade and told passengers to remain on the streetcar. Fearing for their lives, the passengers promptly tried to escape. Mr. Yatim revised his demands, ordering everyone off the streetcar. He began to approach the driver of the vehicle, stopping to shout obscenities at the crowds outside.

According to a passenger on the streetcar, Jessica Doyle, Mr. Yatim seemed irate, brandishing the knife in his right hand and “his left held his exposed genitals”.

According to another person claiming to be a passenger at the time, Melody Garia, Mr. Yatim “took his penis out with one hand and a knife in another, threatening four girls and all the lives of people on that bus.”

At the front of the vehicle, Constable James Forcillo called for a taser multiple times, believing the situation “could be contained.” Officers called for Mr. Yatim to drop his knife. When he began to move toward the doors, Cst. Forcillo shot.

Nine shots were fired at Mr. Yatim. He was then tasered. He was pronounced dead that St. Michael’s Hospital.


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