Motorcycles have been trickling in to the small, and picturesque town of Digby Nova Scotia all week leading up to the five-day Wharf Rat Rally
Photo Credit: CBC

Organize it, and they will come (to Nova Scotia)

It’s the little gathering that has roared to success. Motorcyclists have been trickling in to the small town of Digby Nova Scotia all week as things lead up to this weekend’s “Wharf Rat Rally”.

Red balloon shows Digby, Nova Scotia © Google

When it began just 9 years ago,35 motorcyclists showed up in the small town of about 2,000 residents. Last year there were an estimated 50-thousand people from all over Canada, the US, and a few from abroad, and some 25,000 motorcycles of all sizes, years, makes, and models.

Peter Robertson was one of the founding members of the rally. He now lives in Alberta, but comes home every year for this event.  “I didn’t think it would get so big so fast,” he said. “This event has really taken off.”

It’s now the biggest motorcycle rally in Atlantic Canada, and one of the biggest in Canada.

There will be stunt riders, precision riding displays, the local airport will be hosting time trials,and bike raffles. Harley Davidson will be revealing its 2014 line-up at the event which attests to the event’s significance. There will also be parades, displays, guided tours, organized daily bike rides, whale watching tours, and even a tattoo competition. And there’s a show-and-shine contest,and  a rat bike tourney

Bikes everywhere for the week long event, which brings in about $10-million to local and provincial economy © RCMP

“Even though it’s just a five-day festival, I’ve had business owners tell me if it wasn’t for the rally, they would probably either shut down or really struggle for the rest of the winter,” said Digby Mayor Ben Cleveland.

However, he has also cautioned that the town will have to cut back on its budget to help support the event next year. This year the town kicked in $15-thousand dollars

Rally chairman Glenn Dunn said they are expecting a great turnout this year. The event got a four-page spread in Easy Rider, one of the world’s top motorcycle magazines. “We’re moving along big time. Nobody’s sleeping a lot,” he said.

He said local government funding was “skimpy,” but that the rally offered a great return on investment.

“Look at the number of people and how much money is left in the area,” he said. “I think it’ll be over $10 million for the whole province this year.”

All kinds of bikes show up from restored antiques, to custom choppers © Phonse Jessome-CBC

Next year the rally celebrates its 10th anniversary, and its expected that whatever the funding, it will be the biggest ever.

And of course, just to get there, riders get to cruise along winding roads with the magnificent scenery of Nova Scotia



Categories: Economy, Society

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