Seven siblings sit on a wooden fence in the province of Quebec in this National Geographic photo published May 1939.
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Photo illustrates Quebec in 1939

National Geographic has re-published a photograph of seven siblings in the scenic Saguenay-Lac St-Jean region of Quebec as part of the magazine’s 125 anniversary celebrations. The colour photo of the five girls and two boys sitting on a wooden fence was taken at l’Anse-St-Jean and was published in a 1939 issue.

The photo now appears on a special National Geographic blog and is entitled “Gentle Folk Settle Stern Saguenay” and the caption reads:

“Seven little sit-down strikers bask in the sun on a Split rail fence … These brothers and sisters — Rita, Ligette, Françoise, Vital, Colombe, Marc and Germaine ​— are supposed to be driving the cows home for evening milking. Printing on Germaine’s dress indicates the cloth once served as a sugar or flour sack. Behind the young herders, mountains enclosing L’Anse St-Jean slope away to the Saguenay.”

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