Media mogul Pierre Karl Péladeau says he will put his majority interest in the media company, Québecor, in a blind trust while he campaigns for office, but not everyone is convinced reporting will be unbiased.
Photo Credit: CBC

Media mogul won’t give up business to run

News outlets in Canada continue to give extensive coverage to millionaire Pierre Karl Péladeau’s decision to run for office and, at the same time, his refusal to give up his media holdings.

Péladeau is running in the current election campaign in the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec. He is affiliated with the Parti Quebecois, a party which wants to separate Quebec from the rest of Canada. In announcing his decision to run, Péladeau proclaimed his dedication to making Quebec a country to leave to his children.

Cartoon depicts media mogul’s “long memory”

.Péladeau controls several media outlets in Quebec, and reporters at some of them, in the past, have complained bitterly about editorial interference from above. Opposition Liberal Party Leader Philippe Couillard says he is concerned about the influence Péladeau has or will have on news reporting during the campaign.

To assuage concerns, Péladeau says he will place his media shares in a blind trust. Not convinced, a cartoonist in one newspaper caricatured Péladeau saying “To all my journalist friends: I have a damn good memory.”

Categories: Politics

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