They're small and cute but they can wreak havoc in gardens, and recently, in one Montreal couple's home

They're small and cute but they can wreak havoc in gardens, and recently, in one Montreal couple's home.
Photo Credit: CBC

Squirrel trashes vacationing couple’s home in Montreal

Squirrels are a scourge for many Montreal gardiners.  You’ll often hear people complaining about the little grey creatures, especially those people trying to grow tomatos and cultivate a garden. The squirrels will take bites out of the ripening fruit and discard them because they don’t even like them!

But a Montreal couple has reason to be much angrier.  A squirrel, a pregnant one it turns out, trashed their home while they were away on vacation.

Montreal couple returns home to the chaos a pregnant squirrel caused as she panicked in the search for a place to have her babies. © CBC

A pregnant squirrel

“I thought, ‘Oh my God, someone’s broken in,’” Miriam Pal said on CBC’s morning radio program..

The couple came home to find lamps knocked over, sofa cushions on the floor, window blinds shredded and chocolate wrappers all over the place.

Pal found the culprit, a grey squirrel, when she ran upstairs to check on her computer.

Chris Grabas, manager of Skedaddle Wildlife Control, explained in another interview, that chimneys are the most likely home entry points for squirrels.

Most of them fall in accidentally and can’t get back out up the slippery interior of the chimney.  Grabas said the best defence against animal intrusions of this type, is to install a cage of heavy-gauge galvanized steel on top of your chimney.

“The squirrel was obviously frantic and trying to get out. It was starving and, unfortunately in this case, it was pregnant and had to give birth,” he said.

Miriam Pal estimates the damage in her home at several hundred dollars, but the mesh is now installed. Pal found the baby squirrels in her sewing basket, near death

Categories: Environment & Animal Life, Society

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