Charlie Angus, the ethics critic of Canada's Official Opposition NDP party, wants the Director of Public Prosecutions to review criminal charges against a Senator and see if others should be charges as well.
Photo Credit: Adrian Wyld/CP

Official Opposition requests review of evidence against Senator

Canada’s Official Opposition NDP is calling for the Director of Public Prosecutions to review evidence collected by the Canada’s federal police the RCMP involving Senator Mike Duffy, and to determine whether a former Chief of Staff of Prime Minister Stephen Harper should also be charged.

In a letter to the Director, the Official Opposition’s ethics critic Charlie Angus writes: “As Mike Duffy goes to trial, a lot of Canadians are wondering why the PMO [Prime Minister’s Office] staff involved in a secret $90,000 payment to a sitting senator are walking away from this scot-free.”

The initial story about the payment became public in 2013 and was then followed by the resignation of the Chief of Staff.

RCI’s Wojtek Gwiazda has a report.


More information:
Official Opposition NDP press release – here

Categories: Politics, Society

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