More privatization of services at Veterans Affairs Canada by a profit-motivated insurance company will not result in savings or better care of military veterans, says Carl Gannon, National President of the Union of Veterans Affairs Employees.
Photo Credit: CBC

Is privatizing military veterans’ care better? Veterans Affairs employees say no

The union representing government employees who take care of Canadian veterans benefits says that the latest elimination of 44 positions at Veterans Affairs Canada is the final step in the “contracting-out of treatment authorization for ill and elderly veterans to Mediavie Blue Cross.”

The union is upset that experienced public servants, who evalutate and authorize the benefits, will be replaced by a profit-oriented insurance company, whose bottom line will be increased by denying claims.

The union says despite the government probably trying to “turn this around” as being a union issue, most of the positions will just be transferred elsewhere, so most jobs will be saved. What will happen is the contracting out to Mediavie Blue Cross will be more expensive.

RCI’s Wojtek Gwiazda spoke to Carl Gannon, the National President of the Union of Veterans Affairs Employees (UVAE) about the impact of this cut and recent cuts to Veterans Affairs offices across Canada on the care of veterans.


More information:
Press release – Government contracts out vital services at Veterans Affairs – here
Union of Veterans Affairs Employees (UVAE) website –
Ottawa Citizen – More cuts at Veterans Affairs as some services privatized – here

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