Alakanuk, Alaska gets $2.2 million for paving roads
The Village of Alakanuk, in western Alaska is getting a $2.2 million grant to pave almost three miles of dirt roads.
The money is coming from the U.S. Department of Transportation and will pay for part of the road project. The total amount is estimated to cost around $5.2 million.
According to DOT, the repairs will enhance mobility and improve the quality of life in the village by making drainage improvements. They say paving the roads would also reduce dust, eliminating a significant source of air pollution that coats fish that are drying.
The roads would also allow residents access to the village store, tribal office, and city office.
It would also allow easier access to the barges that are shipping in goods.
The project has been listed as a priority in the region for years, according to DOT.
– By Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethel