6 new COVID-19 cases reported in Arviat

Michael Patterson, Nunavut’s chief medical officer, says the recent spike in COVID-19 has been tiresome for Arviat residents. Health officials announced six new cases in the hamlet Tuesday. (Beth Brown/CBC )
Nunavut public health officials announced on Thursday six new cases of COVID-19 in Arviat.

It’s the sixth straight day the Nunavut government has announced new cases in the community. It brings the total number of positive cases in the territory to 27, all in Arviat.

In a news release, territorial health officials said everyone who tested positive is doing well and self-isolating, and that contact tracing is underway.

“I understand how hard the last few months have been for Arviarmiut and I know the rise in cases recently has been disheartening,” Dr. Michael Patterson, Nunavut’s chief public health officer said, according to the release.

“I also know that if we continue to work hard, pay strict attention to the public health measures and stay home, we can stop the spread of COVID-19.”

Travel to and from Arviat remains restricted and Nunavut’s rapid response team is still in the community supporting local health workers.

Patterson urged anyone in the territory who has yet to be vaccinated to make arrangements to do so.

Nunavut has reported 330 cases of COVID-19 and one death.

The Nunavut government also announced that Health Minister Lorne Kusugak extended the territory’s state of emergency to March 4.

Related stories from around the North:

Canada: Here’s the latest on COVID-19 in Canada’s North, CBC News

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Norway: Norway closes borders over fears of virus, but exempts Russian fishermen from severely infected border region, The Independent Barents Observer

Russia: Russia’s Northern Fleet begins 2nd stage of COVID-19 vaccination, Radio Canada International

Sweden: Sweden’s northernmost county among regions to introduce stricter COVID-19 recommendations, Radio Sweden

United States: After early containment success, there’s now rapid COVID-19 spread in rural Alaska, including the Arctic, Alaska Public Media

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