A head shot of Inspector Tim Shields looking focused.

Insp. Tim Shields addressing reporters in 2010.
Photo Credit: PC / DARRYL DYCK

Woman charges RCMP over sexual harassment

A civilian employee of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has filed a lawsuit against the force in British Columbia Supreme Court.

Atoya Montague alleges she was sexually harassed by a number of officers whose ranks go as high as superintendent and says the culture of sexual harassment within the force was so pervasive it couldn’t be stopped.

Ms. Montague’s civil lawsuit names high-profile Insp. Tim Shields as one of several RCMP members who subjected her to on-going harassment and sexual harassment.

The lawsuit alleges Insp. Shields made sexual advances towards her while they drove to drop off supplies to victims of B.C.’s wildfires in 2003 and also claims Insp. Shields showed her his penis and made similar advances in July 2008.

The lawsuit alleges Insp. Shields made regular comments about her breasts, and that a sergeant and staff sergeant at different times made sexually degrading comments about her.

Ms. Montague also alleges she spent two years being expected to work evenings and weekends without extra pay, even though other Mounties got overtime.

Ms. Montague has been on sick leave for two years. She says she has post-traumatic stress disorder and is suing for damages and loss of income and earning capacity.

The RCMP responded by saying the allegations are unproved.


Categories: Economy, Society

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