ExactEarth's data can provide information on incidents like the grounding of a ship that destroyed a large portion of a marine sanctuary in Sarangani Bay, Philippines, in 2011.
Photo Credit: Cocoy Sexcion/Associated Press

Canadian company tracks ships from space

A Canadian company wants to expand its business tracking ships using satellites high above the earth. ExactEarth sells information about more than 100,000 ships it detects per day to over 50 customers on five continents. These include ports, navies and governments.

Ships going along sensitive routes can be monitored. This could be useful, for example, to the Canadian government wanting to monitor ships going through its melting Arctic area.

The technology can also see whether ships are straying into protected areas or fishing illegally. It could also coordinate search-and-rescue operations during natural disasters.

Categories: Environment & Animal Life, International, Internet, Science & Technology

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