Canadian writer Marcello Di Cintio will be giving the closing remarks at the “Borders, Walls and Security" conference organized by the Raoul Dandurand Chair at the University of Quebec at Montreal.
Photo Credit: Raoul Dandurand Chair UQAM

Borders, walls, the other, and the illusion of security


Canadian writer Marcello Di Cintio began wondering about walls and their impact after a visit to Bethlehem and Jerusalem. And those questions led him to visit walls around the world, and writing the book “Walls – Travels Along the Barricades

This week Di Cintio will be giving the closing remarks at the “Borders, Walls and Security” conference in Montreal organized by the Raoul Dandurand Chair at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) and the Association of Borderlands Studies.


Marcello Di Cintio’s book “Walls – Travels Along the Barricades” started with a walk.

RCI’s Wojtek Gwiazda spoke to Marcello Di Cintio about walls and the idea of the other.

More information:
Raoul Dandurand Chair UQAM – Borders, Walls and Security Conference info – here
Association for Borderlands Studies website –
Marcello Di Cintio website –

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