Trade barriers are such that beer and wine made in one province may be blocked from sale in another province.
Photo Credit: CBC

Looking for free trade between provinces

Trade and labour barriers between Canadian provinces are such that it could soon become easier for a European company to get a government contract in one Canadian province, than it would be for a Canadian company from a different province.

The premiers of three western provinces have signed a letter urging their counterparts to modernize the Agreement on International Trade between them, reports the Globe and Mail newspaper. That agreement currently includes trade barriers in the sectors of energy, labour, procurement of government contracts, beer and liquor sales, and others.

The premiers want a new deal where everything would be free and open and provinces would have to negotiate what barriers there would be. They hope to get agreement on this when the premiers meet in August in the eastern city of Charlottetown. Agreement between provinces is often difficult.

Categories: Economy, Society

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