Toronto’s Gursikh Sabha Canada temple would normally be lit up during the Diwali festival. But the community decided to keep the temple dark in honour of two soldiers who were killed this week.
Photo Credit: CBC

Temple dims Diwali lights to honour soldiers

Diwali is one of the most colourful and significant festivals celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and others in Canada and around the world. It is a five-day festival of light that coincides with the Hindu New Year.

Diwali is celebrated with lights and sweets, and is one of the most important festivals originating in India. © CBC

There will be no outdoor lights or fireworks this year the Gursikbh Sabha Canada temple in Toronto. The decision to eliminate them was made because of the deaths of two members of the Canadian Armed Forces this week at the hands of Canadian extremists.

Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was shot by the gunman who then stormed Parliament on Wednesday and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was run over earlier in the week.

“We’re all being with those families. Our condolences are with them,” said Govinder Singh Randhawa. “It’s a unique Diwali but I think in tough times we have to stand together and be tough and strong and face any situation that comes along.”

Categories: Society

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