Bringing the selfie to new heights, Andrew MacDonald videotaped his rescue after he crashed his car into a pole.
Photo Credit: CBC

Accident victim records his own rescue

A young man used his cell phone to videotape a rescue crew cutting him free of his crashed car on January 15.  The accident happened around 5:30 am as Andrew MacDonald was driving home from a night out in the western city of Victoria.

‘I guess I just blacked out’

“I was getting home real late, I was almost home. I guess I just blacked out and the next thing you know, I am in the ditch and the car is all mangled,” said MacDonald.

“The next thing you know, there are firefighters and stuff cutting the roof off. I still had my phone in my hands, so I called my brother and I was talking to him, so I just decided to start filming.”

Surgery lasted 14 hours

MacDonald says he doesn’t drink and police did not recommend any charges against him. He added he had never before fallen asleep at the wheel of his car.

His injuries include a broken arm, femur, both knee caps and both ankles, as well as a broken nose. “Went for major surgery in Victoria which took total 14 hours over a couple days. Metal plates and screws all over. Spent a month in hospital. Only 1 hot nurse 😐 But I’m home now. And recovering quickly!” says his internet post.

MacDonald is expected to walk again, but it will take a while.

Categories: Society

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