Are P.E.I. Premier Wade MacLauchlan, left, and New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant heading to an agreement on a national energy strategy this week?  We see two men walking down a hotel corridor. Gallant, young and handsome, is wearing a dark suit, stripped shirt and no tie. His light bron hair is parted on the left in something of a Oxbridge style, overflowing just a touch on his forehead. Mr. MacLauchlan is older and somewhat frumpier. He wears glasses under receding grey hair. He wears a grey sports jacket, stripped tie and brown pants. He carries a piece of paper in his right hand. In the background is an identified man. Further back we see some men exiting a door. It appears likely that all have just left a meeting.

Are P.E.I. Premier Wade MacLauchlan, left, and New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant heading to an agreement on a national energy strategy this week?
Photo Credit: CP Photo / Andrew Vaughan

National energy strategy could top premiers’ meeting

New Brunswick’s premier believes an agreement on a national energy strategy will be reached this week when Canada’s premiers and and territorial leaders meet in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Brian Gallant says a national energy strategy would serve as a catalyst for projects like the proposed $12-billion Energy East pipeline, which he says would create thousands of jobs and set guidelines for projects across Canada.

The 4,600-kilometre pipeline will carry 1.1-million barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta and Saskatchewan to refineries in Eastern Canada.

The exact route of the pipeline will be determined after public and regulatory reviews.

The planned starting point is a new tank terminal in Hardisty, Alta. Three other new terminals will be built along the pipeline’s route: One in Saskatchewan, one in the Québec City area and another in the Saint John, N.B., area.

The terminals in the Québec City and Saint John areas will include facilities for marine tanker loading.

The project will also deliver oil to existing Québec refineries in Montréal, near Québec City and in Saint John.

New pipeline will be built in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Eastern Ontario, Québec and New Brunswick.

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