A British Columbia motorist approaches the U.S. port of entry into Blaine, Wash., at a very quiet Douglas-Peace Arch border crossing, amid concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in Surrey, B.C., on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. The Canada-U.S. border will be closed to non-essential traffic in both directions "by mutual consent," until at least Nov. 21. (Darryl Dyck/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Canada-U.S. border to remain closed until Nov. 21

Canada and the U.S. are extending travel restrictions on their mutual land border until at least Nov. 21, Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said Monday.

“Our decisions will continue to be based on the best public health advice available to keep Canadians safe,” Blair tweeted.

The border between the U.S. and Canada has been closed to non-essential travel since March 21. Since July 31, the Canadian government has also restricted movement for American citizens traveling through Canada to get into Alaska by limiting access to only five entry points in Western Canada.

Tourists and cross-border visits remain prohibited, although trade and commerce are exempted as are certain family members and loved ones who can make a case on compassionate grounds to be allowed into Canada.

About $2 billion worth of trade crosses the Canada-U.S. border in both directions every day.

The two countries pride themselves on having “the longest undefended border” in the world.

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