Canada’s 2013 federal budget: Many goals, fewer details

Two years away from an election, Canada’s ruling Conservative government tabled a new federal budget Thursday (March 21) appealing to many different sectors of Canadian society. A budget critics say is not always clear on how goals would be achieved.
Calling it an economic action plan, rather than a budget, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was optimistic about achieving the government’s economic agenda.The budget entitled Jobs, Growth, and Long-Term Prosperity covered a lot of ground in 442 pages, and will be debated for a maximum of four days in the House of Commons.

One of the big surprises was the government’s decision to take the government’s humanitarian aid agency CIDA – the Canadian International Development Agency – and put it into a new combined ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.

RCI’s Wojtek Gwiazda has this report.

More information:
Canada’s 2013 federal budget (text) – here
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