Don't event think about it. A woman, shopping bag in her right hand, makes her way in what appears a determined fashion past a row of four ATMs a customer  at each end. Everyone is dressed for winter and the man at the ATM on the right looks slightly bewildered. It is unclear if he is putting money in or taking it out. But he will very likely have less to play with in 2014.

Don't event think about it. A woman makes her way--in determined fashion-- past a bank (ahem) of ATMs in Toronto. It's unclear if the slightly bewildered man on the right is putting money in or taking it out, but he will likely have less money to play with in 2014.
Photo Credit: Canadian Press / Chris Young

Paycheques taking another hit

Not even a day into 2014 and guess what? There’s a touch of political controversy.

Not a lot, mind you. But just enough to get more than a few Canadians grumbling.


The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is disputing a claim by Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party government that it’s freezing Employment Insurance premiums.

Not so, says the federation.

It says maximum EI rates are going up by $31 for employers and $23 for employees.

The federation also says Canadian Pension Plan premiums are going up by $140 for workers with an annual income of at least $52,500

What does it all mean?

Surprise, surprise. Paycheques will shrink.

Now, what was it you said to your spouse about saving more money this year?

Categories: Economy, Politics

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