Official Opposition NDP party MP Laurin Liu says she's stunned by how few unpaid interns hired by the Canadian government actually got paid jobs.
Photo Credit: Graham Hughes/CP

Canadian government hired hundreds as unpaid interns, almost none got jobs

Despite hiring almost 1,000 unpaid interns, the Canadian government only hired a few for paying jobs after the internship.

A Canadian Press news agency story reports that in House of Commons written responses to Canada’s Official Opposition NDP party, the government says that just 22 of the 961 unpaid interns were subsequently brought on to work for the government.

Official Opposition MP Laurin Liu says she’s stunned at how few federal interns were hired.

Liu last year presented a private member’s bill in the House of Commons to protect those in unpaid internships in federally regulated industries.

More information:
CTV News/Lee-Anne Goodman-Canadian Press – Feds have used hundreds of unpaid interns since ’08 – here
Laurin Liu’s private member’s bill – C-636 – An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (unpaid training) – here
Laurin Liu website – The Intern Protection Act – here

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