Health Minister Ronal Ambrose says it is “really irresponsible” of parents to not inoculate their children.
Photo Credit: CBC

Health minister urges parents to vaccinate

Vaccines are safe “miracles of modern medicine” that save millions of lives around the world, said Canada’s Health Minister Rona Ambrose on Tuesday. She added that parents who choose to not have their offspring immunized put their children and others at risk of becoming sick with a disease that is preventable.

There is much discussion about vaccination in Canada now because of small outbreaks of measles occurring recently and at this time last year.  Children in Canada are routinely immunized against measles and about 12 other illnesses, a service paid for by the government.

Overwhelming scientific evidence proves safety

However a small, but persistent number of parents refuse to believe the overwhelming scientific data that proves vaccinations are safe, or they refuse to vaccinate their children for religious reasons.

Ambrose says it is “really irresponsible” of parents in a developed country like Canada to not inoculate their children and she urges such parents to speak with doctors about their concerns. There is a small minority of people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons such as allergies or because they are immune suppressed.

History reveals examples of how important vaccines were in turning back scourges like small pox and polio.

Categories: Health, Internet, Science & Technology, Society

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